Soon the school starts again, and for some this is a joyful time of play and laughter A time of reunion with all of their friends. For others it is a little bit different..
For someone the loneliness and fear is starting again – for someone the jokes, the names, the exclusion continues.
Instead of spreading the word that bullying is not OK – what are WE willing to do and be to create something different? Where are we being the bully in our lives? And where are we allowing ourselves to be bullied?
Are you willing to change? Are you willing to see people for the difference they be and what contribution this can be in the world? Are you willing to so say – interesting point of view you have that point of view – interesting point of view I have that point of view?
Are you willing to say No or Stop will all your barriers down? Are you willing to be kind and receive kindness from others? Are you willing to receive other people’s judgments – with no point of view – barriers down – lets them float through? Are you willing to not resist and react – align and agree?
Are you willing to be the difference that creates the change?
